0720 932208


Vision Tower, 5th floor, Muthithi road, Westlands

Web-based / Cloud HR software

metal tagsBoth Cloud and on-site hosting
reportsWeb-based and accessible on multiple devices
payroll analysisEmployee self-service interface

HR & Payroll System Modules

payroll serviceEmployee data, HR forms, Directory
file returnLeave, Appraisal, Attendance
tax advicePayroll processing & reports module

Apptec HRMS software in Kenya

tagging servicesBoth local and internet hosting
asset registerNGOs, pension managemnt schemes, companies etc
depreciationFrom below 10 to hundreds of employees

Web-based HR Management System (HRIS) for Kenya

We provide the best web-based HRIS System in Kenya which offers an online employee self service portal (ESS). This HR management software is designed to automate HR processes and logics such as leave, attendance, compensation, training and performance evaluation. It is compliant to KRA, NHIF and NSSF statutory requirements as set out in the Kenyan labour laws.

hris AppTec HRIS is a web-based or cloud HR system designed for the efficient management of any company's most important asset, human resource. We make it easy and affordable for growing Kenyan companies to transition from using spreadsheets to a customizable online HR Management System that adapts to their changing needs. The system can be hosted on-premise (local server) or in the cloud. We are among the best hr software companies in Kenya.

By using AppTec HRIS System, the HR personnel are more efficient and productive in managing all aspects of the employee lifecycle. The software will provide your company with well organized data and aid in tracking of various processes including approvals which can be done online.

The system's intuitive web-based interface makes it remarkably easy to use. It has a Payroll software module customized for the Kenyan market for Salary & Allowances, Benefits, Deductions and Returns management. The information Apptec HRIS provides gives senior management clear visibility of the productivity of their workforce.

AppTec HRIS Features

  Web-based / Cloud Hris System
 Employee Profile Data
 Leave Management System
 Time & Attendance
 Performance Appraisal
 Training Tracker
 Payroll Software Module
 Company Forms & Documents
 Online Employee Self-Service
 HR & Employee Dashboards
  Email Notifications

Web-based HRIS Software Features

  Employee Profile Data

HR Employee data in kenya AppTec HRIS captures employee identification and contact data including name, profile picture, office and home contacts, identification documents and emergency contact details.
  • Information regarding previous training and work experience including places worked and time periods.
  • Next-of-kin and spouse information - This captures next-of-kin details and spouse identification details.
  • Employee beneficiaries - Here, the HR department can manage a list of beneficiaries, what benefit they are entitled to and the percentage of benefit entitled.
  • A List of dependants and their relationship to the employee.
  • Job description - For each employee, contract details are recorded like job group, work details, department, work station, etc.
  • The software also tracks Reporting hierarchy - Relationship between supervisors and subordinates can be defined.
Being a web-based system, the employees can be given rights to update part of the details via the online employee portal.

 Leave Management System

The leave system module manages the leave application and approval process and keeps track of historical data. The software has controls for validating leave application and usage based on the current leave period, leave type and days entitled. Multilevel approval is provided through customizable approver defination that ties an employee to a specific approver / approvers. Being web-based, this system allows online application and approval. leave management system
  • The software allows user-definable leave types, leave periods and holidays.
  • Allocation of leave entitlements to vaious leave types for each employee as per kenyan standards. The system automatically does entitlement verification during leave application and approval.
  • Manage carryovers from previous periods by determining maximum days to carry over and the date by which those days must be utilized.
  • Generate leave usage reports. A detailed report is given showing the leave entitlement against usage in terms of days entitled, days spent and leave balance.
  • Send automated email notifications. Whenever an application or approval is made, the software generates email notification and sends to all relevant parties.
  • The system allows flexible leave allocation as per your company policies.
  • Leave calendar for graphical view of days applied for and status.
  • Manage conditional leave e.g Rest and Recuperation Leave (RNR).
  • Easy management of holidays and days to be exempted.

  Time & Attendance Tracking

The Time & Attendance module keeps track of employee's working hours by capturing time spent on various projects and the specific tasks done. The system this data to calculate the contribution of each employee to various projects for the whole month and gives a report. time & attendance
  • The software allows user-definable settings e.g projects, tasks and hours types.
  • Capture employee time spent on various projects and the specific tasks done including time intervals.
  • The system calculates the hourly contribution of each employee to various projects for the whole month and gives a report showing percentage time contribution.
  • Overtime hours worked are recorded under this module and can be linked to payroll module for compensation.
  • Customizable attendance/timekeeping policies are supported by this software.
  • The system also provides a multilevel approval process for timesheets submitted by the employee before compensation can be done
  • Data from your time & attendance biometric system can be imported and processed as input for payroll calculations
  • Exporting feature is provided allowing transfer of data to Excel.

HR System Features

  HR Training & Development Module

To keep track of employee development in terms of training, this module captures available training opportunities for the staff and trainings that are already attended. It provides a flow for requesting and approval of training requests and a catalogue of available training materials. HR sotware training
  • The module enables the HR Department to publish a catalogue of all available trainings with details on content and traing venue. This enables the staff to make informed choices on available training offers. It also specifies the category of employees to whom the courses are relevant.
  • The system tracks each training undertaken and records what objectives were met. This informatin is useful when the human resource manager or supervisor is tracking employee development, doing appraisal and allocating responsibilities. Based on this, future trainings can be recommended.
  • Manages a well categorized Library of training resources that employees can access. Soft copies of various training guides, product manuals, video clips, etc are stored in a well organized manner and can be dowloaded by staff.

 Performance Appraisal Management

This module automates the process of evaluating employee delivery on predefined goals. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are defined at the beginning of the period and agreed upon between staff and the appraiser. Evaluation is then done at the end of each period with the aim of determining accomplishments and areas of improvement. HR system Appraisal
  • The Software allows definition of performance periods and different performance plans.
  • Allows definition of KPIs and targets for each employee that are to be met at the end of the performance period. These KPIs outline the objectives to be met and the measurement criteria that will be used during the appraisal. Both the employee and his/her supervisor agree before loading the KPIs to the system while the HR department facilitates the process.
  • Both appraisee and appraiser can track the KPIs and allocate scores. Once a particular working period is over, the score arrived at during appraisal is updated in the system.
  • The system calculates an overall score for each performance period. Each performance period can have several performance plans covering particular time periods and purposes. The system computes an average score of all the plans within that period, normally one year.
  • After completing each appraisal, the management and the HR department can give recommendations for training, bonuses, promotions, etc for the affected employee. This information forms the basis for future decision making.

  Management of Policy Documents & HR Forms

HR Policy Documents

This Module Manages a library of well categorized policy documents and company forms for users to view and download. Documents covering company policies and code of conduct can be posted here for the staff to view and read. Various bussiness forms and application forms can be put here and be categorized by department and function.

  System Access Control & User Management

  • Allows client create and manage system users. Enabling and Disabling a user's access to the system is possible.
  • Manages Authentication by username and password.
  • Active Directory authentication is available for on-site hosting.
  • Controls level of access based on the role of the user thus determining what functions to access.

  Contacts Directory

  • A directory containing employee name, department, location, phone number and email
  • Easy to search an employee using as little information as one name, department, etc
  • Enhances staff communication and collaboration.

  Payroll Module

User Customizable Payroll Settings

usersettings Personalize your payroll system by configuring settings specific to your organization. All settings are updatable at any time including KRA PAYE tax bands which are revised from time to time.
  • Set Company Name, Contacts, Logo, PIN No, NHIF No, NSSF No. Several companies can be setup.
  • Settings for organizational structure - Departments, Units, Stations
  • Employee Specific Settings - hourly rate, personal relief, allow overtime, housing, etc
  • Unlimited number of benefits, deductions, earnings
  • Settings for banks and branches
  • Editable settings for PAYE, NSSF and NHIF tax bands
  • Option to use either old or new NSSF rates

Integration with Kenyan HR Management Softwares

hrsystem Apptec Payroll seamlessly integrates with AppTec HR Management System. It can also be configured to work with software from other vendors and to export data in customized format.
  • Centralised management of employee records - contacts, contract details, beneficiaries
  • Relate payroll to leave management
  • Relate payroll to timesheets and overtime management module
  • Reporting structure in the HR software is used for approval of requests e.g salary advance approval
  • Employee Self Service in the HR system is used by employees to access and download payslips, apply for salary advance, etc

Web-based Payroll Software

onlinepayroll This software can run on your intranet or in the cloud allowing access over the internet. Employees can use the self-service feature to access limited features e.g. apply for salary advance, submit overtime and view / download payslips from wherever they are.
  • Save time by allowing employees submit their overtime which is approved by their line managers before getting to HR
  • Employees in the field don't have to call HR to confirm their approvals or get payslips.
  • Employees can view historical payslips and download them
  • Management can access payroll summary data remotely
  • The system can be accessed via multiple devices including tablets and phones

Workflow for Payroll Requests

workflow The system allows employees to submit requests which are automatically escallated to their line manager. After approval, the requests are forwarded to HR. Requests and approvals are accompanied by automated email notifications to both applicants and approvers.
  • Salary Advance workflow
  • Timesheets (Overtime) workflow

Detailed Payroll Reports


AppTec Payroll generates standard reports for statutory returns & also custom reports for internal use. Reports can be generated for selected categories of staff e.g particular paygroup, employment type or job title.

  • Standard returns for KRA NHIF and NSSF
  • Payslips - View, Print and send by Email
  • Export reports to Excel
  • Payroll summary reports
  • Cost comparison between months, years and cost centres

Scalable Payroll Software fit for Kenya

scalable software This is a flexible software that can fit the needs of any organization. We have a well qualified team to make all the necessary adjustments.
  • There is no limit to the number of employees that can be managed
  • Supports multiple companies
  • Allows access by multiple users concurrently
  • Installarion at the server only thus making updating easy and fast
  • Historical data stored and can be retrieved
  • Allows import and export of data
  • The software provider is based in Nairobi, Kenya and is available to make all necessary adjustments

Why AppTec HR Software?

  • Web-based / Cloud HR software accessible globally
  • Unlimited no. of companies can be managed
  • Employee self-service gives access to personal data and automates request and approval processes
  • Retain and access historical data
  • Easily share HR summaries and reports with management
  • Improve communication through email notifications
  • Eliminate paperwork thus saving time and cost
  • Multilevel approval of requests
  • Track attendance and time spent on various projects
  • Manage overtime hours efficiently
  • Get rid of payroll calculation errors
  • Keep track of head count and staff exits from your organization
Copyright © 2013 - 2024 AppTec Solutions Ltd. Vision Tower, 5th floor, 26 Muthithi road, Westlands, Nairobi Email: info@apptecsolutions.co.ke