Employee HR Data Management
AppTec Online Payroll allows you to manage all important HR information for your personnel - personal details, contact info, work experience, job information e.t.c.
These information can be viewed by both the employer and the employee with the employee being allowed to update part of it via the Employee Self Service.
- Personal Details - name, nationality, ID no, PIN no, NHIF no, NSSF no
- Contact Details - postal & physical address, phone, email, emergency contacts
- Family Background - next of kin contacts and relationship
- Beneficiaries - for life insurance , medical cover
- Dependants and their relationship to the employee
- Job related information - department, section, job title, contract details
- Payroll related info - bank account, pay frequency,basic salary, employee payroll settings
- Work experience - places work at before and positions held
- Reporting structure - define supervisors and subordinates